Wednesday, May 21, 2008

we just bought a condo!

woohoo! it's amazing. the place is pretty small and trashy, so every waken moment in the next three months will be dedicated to making this place cool.
you guys know what this means? -NEW KITCHEN. new kitchen. new kitchen! we've been out looking at kitchens, comparing prices, designs, measuring, calculating, designing, and we're going out again tomorrow. it's pretty hard, bit really exciting.
so basically what we're doing with the place;
ripping off old floors. putting all sorts of installations in the floor. ripping out the old toilet. putting on new wooden floors. building new bathroom, with plenty of room and great looking tiles. building new kitchen. building new bedroom. making the floors in the livingroom look nice. paint paint paint.

this is gonna be awesome. i promise to post pics as soon as we get the key. the last paperwork is being done now, so it will be any day now.

on a whole other note; the boy is going away for six months. to live on a whole other island. six months. away. he's gonna be a fireman and oil cleaner as his military service (at least you get the option of doing something pacifistic).
did i mention; SIX MONTHS!? i hate it, but we just gotta make it work. at least i have a new apartment that will need to be lived in, so i am probably gonna have lots of dinner parties, lots of sleep overs, lots of friends just coming to hang out in my cool new kitchen. but day-um i am gonna miss his cute smile! he's hopefully gonna come home almost every weekend, but there will be some hard days for sure. we've been living together for almost three years. he's leaving in the start of august. at least i will have a lot more time to blog, post food porn, make delicious food and post recipes.

i better get going now, my friend is hanging out on the couch, reading, and i really shoud be a better friend. hopefully i'll get more into this blogging thing soon.


Luise Baanders said...

Moving to a new place is exciting and challenging at the same time. Through it all, it just feels nice to see the whole place after everything’s done. Been there, done that. Hehe. I was so proud seeing our new condo all fixed and renovated. =)

Allan Getter said...

Congratulations on your new condo! The whole renovation scenario is going to be messy, but when you’re done, it will be worth all the mess. I can’t wait to see the pictures. Good luck!